Thursday, April 18, 2013


I haven't been blogging much lately.   I guess I've just been too busy coping.

Mom's memorial is in place now.  It's so pretty underneath that big tree.  It's starting to bloom and should be a beautiful reminder of re-birth very soon.  

Yes, coping takes some time and energy, for sure.

Some days seem to breeze by.... relatively easy... yet even on those days I'm acutely aware of an emptiness that's hard to shake.

Other days, I feel paralyzed.  And mad.  And sad.  And lonely.

But I'm coping.  With the help of family... and friends.... and even strangers.

AND... with my favorite morning devotional "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.  Here is an entry from yesterday, April 17th:

"I help you cope"..... yes.  Yes, He does.

God doesn't promise us a life without pain and problems.  What He does promise is that He will be there to help us cope.  And I have never been more sure of that promise.

The pain of losing Mom has been instrumental in elevating my trust in God to a whole new level.  Her death seemed to awaken something in me that I'm truly grateful for.  I have sensed a peace that can only be explained by intimately knowing our Higher Power.  The one who created Me, so carefully and lovingly in His image.  And God didn't create us to shoulder all our burdens alone.  No, when we try to do that, we feel overwhelmed, because we aren't made to do that.  We are made to turn over those burdens to God and let Him bear those burdens for us.  My awareness of that has been heightened to a whole new level.... and for that I feel so blessed!!

Yes, I miss her.  Yes, some days I still feel really sad.  But I'm coping.  And even on those days, when I feel sad and lonely.... I never feel alone.  

Thank You Jesus.  


  1. Wow, what a great excerpt from "Jesus Calling", timely, powerful. Thanks once again for your openness, it's a blessing to many... God is using you as a vessel. May His grace continue to get you through the coping.

    1. Thank you Angelo. I love my "Jesus Calling" devo... just found the app for it too! :-)
