Sunday, February 3, 2013

UPDATE ON MOM: 2/3/13: Our own little Super Bowl party.....

We had a really rough day.  
She was in alot of pain most of the day and no one can really figured out why.  The doctors all say that her vitals looks good and her white blood count is going down.  But yet, she cries out in pain.  She won't eat.  And she's desperately thirsty all the time.  

She hasn't really been alert since I arrived at 10:00am this morning.  She will speak a little, but only weakly and she doesn't want to open her eyes.  She moans alot and says
 "Hurry.  Help Me"
It's seriously one of the most pitiful things I've ever seen. And I feel SO helpless.

I'm hoping that she is just in pain from gas bubbles trapped inside her chest/abdomen from where they pumped air inside her for surgery.  I've heard from several people that they were in quite a bit of pain a day or two after surgery because of that.  And with her dementia, it's hard sometimes to get her to tell us what is bothering her. So... we wait. And pray that the pain subsides.
This is hard.

The good news is that they moved her out of ICU, so she's back in a quiet, private room and I'm hoping that will help her get more rest.  

On a rare funny note today, as we got settled into her new digs on the 6th floor of Skyline Medical Center, she apparently overheard me say to a nurse that she and I were going to have our own little Superbowl party.  Now, Mom has never been one to watch much football, so when I heard her mumble something in her morphine-induced state, I had to as her to repeat herself, "What did you say Mother?"

"Ravens.  The Ravens will win."


She always did go for the underdog. :-)

Keep those prayers a comin' please.  She's still a very sick lady and I'm honestly starting to wear down a bit.   Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day.

Love you all.... M


  1. I wish our family were closer to give you more support. Please know that everyone of us are sending prayers and love. It is so hard to see your mother go through this. No words can stop your heartbreak, only Gods hands can hold your heart and keep it from breaking.
    Know that the Strawser clan loves you and sends you lots of hugs.

  2. Thank you so much..... We are definitely feeling the love and prayers from ALL our family, near and far!! I married into a GREAT family!! :-)
