Friday, November 16, 2012

Gatlinburg and Humility....

Mike and I drove up to Gatlinburg, TN last week for a couple of days of hiking in the mountains.  We wanted to get away, but didn't have much money to spend, so we just "Pricelined" a couple of hotels (Priceline is my very favorite new "find"! -- Thanks to my oldest son, Derek), packed some sandwiches and drove up into the mountains. We hardly spent any money, and had a beautiful trip.  Our friends, Ron and Cindy Melcher live in the area, so they came over for dinner one night and we got some amazing BBQ, then walked the G'burg strip at night, stopping for fudge at one of those cute little candy stores, and for the free moonshine tasting at the "Old Smokey Mountain Moonshine Factory".....   LOVE me some G'burg!!

Found this old post of mine on Humility and thought I would re-post this morning.  Being up in those majestic Smoky Mountains sure made me feel "humble".  God's greatness and grandeur made me get weepy up on top of those mountains.  I felt so small and insignificant, yet at the same time so precious, protected and special.  Humility.....

"Humility is a strange thing.  The minute you think you've got it, you've lost it. 

Understanding, deep within our soul, that God is in charge of our life removes our fear and anxiety.  Quietly, then, we receive the gift of humility.

The realization that we are only responsible for our own actions lifts a great burden from our shoulders.  We know humility each time we agree to let God take charge of the rest.  The burden of all outcomes is rightly God's.

Humility teaches us that we will know just what we need to know at the moment we need it -- now and in the future.  These moments that are claiming our attention now are all we need be concerned with.  God will offer us every message we need in the quiet of our soul when the time is right.  We can be at ease.

Today I will humbly accept my responsibilities in life and be glad that God will take care of the rest."

Because I struggle with self-confidence on a daily basis, I thought I had humility in the bag.  But after reading this, I realized that I still have a long way to go on that.  Why?  Well because....

1. I still want to carry the burden of all outcomes.  (silly me)

2. I want God to clue me in on His plans ahead of time.  "C'mon God, we partners, right?   I don't want to be on a 'need to know' basis!  Give me the road map of the future NOW so I know what's coming around the corner!" -- Sigh.  I guess I DO need to work on some humility.

   I will say that I've been making a strong effort this week to adjust my thinking and TRULY turn some things over to God that have been in my tight grasp for awhile now.   It certainlyhas made my heart a little lighter to know that I gave those things away and I truly don't have to carry them around anymore.

How about you guys?  Have you been desperately holding on to something that you were hesitant to turn over to God because you were afraid that He might not handle it the way YOU wanted it to be handled?   It ain't easy sometimes, that's for sure.    Just try loosening your grip this week on ONE thing that you've been desperately holding on to.  Watch and see how much lighter your burden feels.  God's got it.  He does.  And what I've found is that usually His plans for ANY situation are SOOOO much cooler than the ones I had!

Ya'll have a great weekend!


  1. Marcia:
    Love your post on humility. So many of us think we have life figured out, we think we have God figured out. God is so much bigger than we can begin to understand. I think that is why it has been good for me to question my beliefs and the way I think. For a long time I thought I knew more than I did. I've come to realize as long as I am taking action to make my life what I want it to be, God will open doors and bring opportunities my way. It might not happen the way I thought it would, but that's God. He knows what we need, He sees the big picture. It still amazes me how every problem or challenge in life, once addressed, conquered or overcome - turns into an awesome lesson/blessing and growth spurt. Keep those positive messages coming - I love your insight!
    Cheers my friend!
    Connie Williams

  2. "It still amazes me how every problem or challenge in life, once addressed, conquered or overcome - turns into an awesome lesson/blessing and growth spurt." --- LOVE THAT! And I couldn't agree more!

    By the way.... I'm just NOW about to dive into YOUR book, "Thinking Consciously Rocks". I've been finishing up several other books and finally getting a chance to start something new! Can't WAIT to read it my friend!!! -- Love you!

  3. I came here looking for information about activities to do in Gatlinburg for when my husband and I stay at our Gatlinburg vacation homes in the winter and spring, but I was pleasantly surprised to read your thoughts about "humility." It has been a difficult year for us. We suffered a miscarriage among other things, and the reason we are taking these vacations is part of a healing process for us. I hope that when we take our trip we are as inspired as you. We need to remember, as you said, that we are only responsible for our own actions. Thank you. Have a blessed day.

  4. Joan -- I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I've lost 3 babies prematurely as well, so I know your pain.

    I read this quote recently...
    "Since I know God loves me totally and wants what's best for me, I don't have to understand every move he makes in my life." ---- There are just some things we aren't going to understand. Losing a baby is one of those things. I pray that God will heal your heart and give you peace, resting in the knowledge that HE is in control and works all things together for our good. Even though at times, we can't see it.

    I hope you enjoy your time in Gatlinburg.. I hope to get there again soon. It's one of my favorite places in the world!!


  5. Thank you kindly. That touched my heart. I appreciate it, and I will carry that with me while in Gatlinburg. Keep being inspirational. :)
