Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer evening walks...

My little dog, Django loves going for evening walks more than anything in the world.  If it starts getting too late, he will bug the SNOT out of me until I get up and take him for his little stroll.  I always grumble and complain, but once I'm out the door I do enjoy breathing in the fresh air and looking at God's handiwork in the nature around me.  Took this beautiful shot of the railroad tracks by my house.  I noticed the electric line poles which suddenly looked to me like a cross.  I pass those every night but never noticed them. They suddenly seemed like God's reminder of His son's sacrifice for me, right there in my nightly path.   The frustration of my day disappeared and I felt incredibly loved and blessed.  It's amazing what you see if you just take the time to look.  ... and if you just get off the couch and out of your own 4 walls!  ---Thanks Django.

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