Apparently she had ripped her IV out twice during the night, so they put these mittens on her hands to prevent her from doing it again. She told me that, "If they put those things back on my hands again, I am LEAVING."
Hmmmmm.....Well, at least it's nice to see her "spunk" back!
They had to put a PICC-line in her because after she had ripped her IV out twice, they couldn't get it back in. The harsh antibiotics they've had flowing through her veins have been hard on her. So now they have the PICC inserted and hopefully they won't have to keep pricking her to give meds and take blood for bloodwork. She will stay tonight in ICU, but if she keeps improving, we are hopeful that she will be moved into a regular room by tomorrow.
I got a wonderful email from my friend Carol Smith today. I wanted to share something she wrote:
I know what you mean about social media being a support. It's like you tie a rope around yourself when you go into a cave, if for no other reason than to know there is someone else on the other end. I think I can speak for all your peeps, when I say that we are here, and we aren't pulling you out because we know you need to be in there, but we are keeping the rope taut so you know there are people at the other end.
What a great analogy of the way I've found social media to be of comfort during this time. I am reminded of the prayers and concern for us every time I open my phone or computer. It's been lovely.... you guys are good rope-handlers. :-)
SO... one more night in ICU and then maybe she won't have to stay hooked-up to all THIS:
She never was one to dig all the bells and whistles..... :-)
Thanks again friends... I feel the rope nice and taut. Love you all...... M
Oh sweet Marcia ... You have done well down in the cave with your mama and we're pulling you out (with your mama along with you) ! That was a great analogy from your friend! Praying she gets in a regular room soon! With me understanding everything you are experiencing, It has been wonderful being able to pray for you each step of the way. Love you very much!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Dear Elaine.... you DO know what I'm going through, don't you? I hope i can find a way to be half as strong as you have been! You have been a wonderful example of love and devotion for me to follow. I Love you.... M